2024/07/27 08:27:06 [1598151] ---------------------------- 2024/07/27 08:27:06 [1598151] Fedora Master Mirror Servers 2024/07/27 08:27:06 [1598151] ---------------------------- 2024/07/27 08:27:06 [1598151] 2024/07/27 08:27:06 [1598151] If you are using bare rsync to sync content, please stop and 2024/07/27 08:27:06 [1598151] take a look at https://pagure.io/quick-fedora-mirror. 2024/07/27 08:27:06 [1598151] 2024/07/27 08:27:06 [1598151] See http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Infrastructure/Mirroring for 2024/07/27 08:27:06 [1598151] further instructions. 2024/07/27 08:27:06 [1598151] ---------------------------- 2024/07/27 08:27:06 [1598151] 2024/07/27 08:27:06 [1598151] You have connected to download-cc-rdu01.fedoraproject.org 2024/07/27 08:27:06 [1598151] 2024/07/27 08:27:07 [1598151] receiving file list 2024/07/27 08:27:08 [1598157] .d..tpog... epel/ 2024/07/27 08:27:08 [1598157] Number of files: 2 (reg: 1, dir: 1) 2024/07/27 08:27:08 [1598157] Number of created files: 0 2024/07/27 08:27:08 [1598157] Number of deleted files: 0 2024/07/27 08:27:08 [1598157] Number of regular files transferred: 0 2024/07/27 08:27:08 [1598157] Total file size: 26,393,081 bytes 2024/07/27 08:27:08 [1598157] Total transferred file size: 0 bytes 2024/07/27 08:27:08 [1598157] Literal data: 0 bytes 2024/07/27 08:27:08 [1598157] Matched data: 0 bytes 2024/07/27 08:27:08 [1598157] File list size: 88 2024/07/27 08:27:08 [1598157] File list generation time: 0.110 seconds 2024/07/27 08:27:08 [1598157] File list transfer time: 0.000 seconds 2024/07/27 08:27:08 [1598157] Total bytes sent: 77 2024/07/27 08:27:08 [1598157] Total bytes received: 106 2024/07/27 08:27:08 [1598157] sent 77 bytes received 106 bytes 73.20 bytes/sec 2024/07/27 08:27:08 [1598157] total size is 26,393,081 speedup is 144,224.49